
“My Family Boundaries” Template

My Family Boundaries for Working Moms template is your essential toolkit for achieving a healthy work-life balance. Crafted specifically for busy moms juggling careers and family life, this template provides introspective prompts and customizable tools to help you set and implement boundaries effectively. From scheduling dedicated family time to establishing guidelines for work interruptions, this template empowers you to create a harmonious balance between your professional and personal responsibilities. Take charge of your time and nurture meaningful connections with your loved ones using our expert-designed template.

Use this free template to get started.

Hi, I’m Coral.

After having two children and returning to work, I felt completely lost and directionless — my identity had shattered, and I didn't know who I was anymore. Over the years, I picked up the pieces and created a new vision for my life, identity, and purpose.

Now I'm on a mission to help moms and primary caregivers navigate their own journeys, for a more fulfilling and authentic path forward. In addition to supporting individuals, I help organizations implement practices that offer deeply needed support to moms and primary caregivers — because we can’t make these changes alone.

Interested in working together? See how I work with both individuals and organizations for sustainable growth. Schedule a free consultation.


"If This, Then That" Template


My Professional Boundaries